Govt eyes Rs400bn revenue from Ravi City’s first phase

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Thursday was told that work on Ravi City’s first phase spanned over 5,000 acres was about to start to bring in an estimated revenue of Rs400 billion.

During a meeting to review progress on the Ravi Urban Development Project chaired by the prime minister, it was informed that out of 5,000 acres, 3,000 acres land would be used for protection against floods and rest 2,000 acres for construction.

Federal Ministers Senator Shibli Faraz, Ali Haider Zaidi, Naya Pakistan Housing Authority Lt. General (r) Chairman Anwar Ali Hyder and Pakistan Islands Development Authority Chairman Imran Amin attended the meeting. Sindh Governor Imran Ismail, Advisor to Punjab Chief Minister Dr Salman Shah, Special Assistant to CM Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, Ravi Urban Development Authority Chairman Rashid Aziz and other senior officers participated through video link.

The meeting was told that the first phase had been named Sapphire Bay for which the purchase of land had been started and road work had also been launched on December 29.

Moreover, request for proposals for the investors and developers would be issued by next week.

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