Religious extremism

Our country came into being on the name of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Unfortunately, it has been split and decoupled into many sects by the hypocrite ulemas and scholars. Every ulema after getting some people in his grisp sets up his own sect and orders the masses to act upon his fixed ways of religion. Every religious group thinks that all other people are wrong and only we are on the right path. The people of one sect hate the people of other groups as if they were non-Muslims, they declare the people of other cluster as Kafir and strongly abhor them. Scholars which mislead and divide Muslims among one another are the worst as Prophet (P.B.U.H) said I fear for my Ummah one thing more dangerous than the Dajjal “Misguided and stray scholars.” There are hard punishments for such scholars in this world and hereafter.
Islam being the religion of peace, always emphasis on the love, unity and brotherhood. Islam never allows its devotees to break up and diverge from the right amd straight path. But we have reached to a utmost level of religious extremism where we judge one another who is praying rightly, who is on actual path, who will go to heaven and who will go to hell! We judge others as we ourselves are perfect. To be true and rightful Muslims we must get rid of religious extremism and sects and follow the God told way. Holy Quran is the complete code of which will help us in this regard.
Islam being the religion of peace, always emphasis on the love, unity and brotherhood. Islam never allows its devotees to break up and diverge from the right amd straight path. But we have reached to a utmost level of religious extremism where we judge one another who is praying rightly, who is on actual path, who will go to heaven and who will go to hell! We judge others as we ourselves are perfect. To be true and rightful Muslims we must get rid of religious extremism and sects and follow the God told way. Holy Quran is the complete code of which will help us in this regard.
The religious extremism leads to many evils in society. The religious extremists has pressurized the people to use arm and forces against those who doesn’t accede to their views. Due to which tranny and violence has became common in our society. The reasons for religious radicalism are low litiracy rate and blind adoption of faiths. The illiterate people could be easily divided into sects for they don’t perform any analysis or rational approach. On the other hand, an educated one could never fall in the hook of sectarianism. It is to say that, we should not be divided among ourselves but we should be one and united to fight against evils and those who are trying to break and puny us. Solidarity is the only requirement which can help us against havoc and wreckage otherwise we will be destroyed.
Muzaffar Khoso

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