Domestic Extremism Haunts and Divides USA 

Sir, The USA today suffers from curse of extremism and hate groups, most of them remnants and children of confederates, still hostage to their forefather’s white extremist ideologies and opposition to Abraham Lincoln’s policy to rid the country of slavery. It has survived only because of over 200 years old commitment to uphold their oath to the constitution. Over the past 40 years these extremists armed themselves, while America was busy in waging wars across the globe, driven by the corporate global interests of the oil and armament industry. Amongst the recruited rank and file were these white extremists, now trained in warfare. On 6th September 2020, these armed extremist groups, motivated by the lies and slander of former President Trump, stormed the Federal capital, sending shockwaves around the world. Scenes reminiscent of the ransacking of Saddam Hussain Palace and similar acts of violence staged and instigated by CIA, including attacks on democratically elected governments to be replaced by tinpot dictators for serving their global interests were witnessed with awe. The chickens had come back to roost. The American political establishment had forgotten to tell those living in the former Confederate dominated south, the truth and bitter realities of their not too peaceful history and the need for reconciliation and self- assessment. The dreams of Founding Fathers were dashed, who gave them a Constitution of “We the People and For The People” and the principle that Power Of The People Should Determine the Choice of Those Who Hold Power and not the vested interests of few. We suffer from almost the same fate, by not adopting Quaid’s vision, that Pakistan should be a modern democratic welfare state, which he elaborated on 11 August 1947 and 14 June 1948. Instead, former collaborators of the British Raj, like the Unionists of Punjab, retained lands and titles given for betraying motherland, assumed political power in nexus with remnants of Raj, distorted our history, banning politicians through PRODA or EBDO to make room for those who opposed MAJ and even a slanderous campaign against Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah.

Malik Tariq Ali


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