Politics is the art of the possible

First stage of PDM’s movement nears its end

The final date given by the PDM to PM Imran Khan to resign has passed. The opposition leadership is set to meet on Thursday to decide whether it wants to wrap up the ongoing agitation with a final long march or a no confidence move in the NA. Keeping in view the PPP’s reservations and with all opposition parties contesting the bye-elections, resignations at this stage are no more a realistic option.

There is no reason for PTI leaders to be overjoyed over the failure of the PDM to achieve its target. The PTI leadership’s incompetence in meeting the economic challenges is enough to create insurmountable problems for its government in days to come. The revenue collection remains lower than under the PML(N). The circular debt has surpassed the limit reached under the previous government. The prices of essential commodities have escalated 50pc-80pc in the retail market as compared to prices in 2017-18. Whether the Senate elections are held with or without secret ballot, careful estimates show the PTI would manage to get less than 30 seats in a House of 104. Thus, even for carrying out simple legislation the government will have to seek the support of both its allies and the opposition.

The PTI won the 2018 election on the basis of its promises and that too with a wafer-thin margin. It has little to show as its achievement as it reaches the middle of its tenure. The opposition will have opportunities in coming months and years to expose the government’s failures and even initiate yet another wave of protests when the time is ripe. Meanwhile there is a need on the part of the opposition to work together with the government to pass the badly needed laws, electoral reforms being high on the list. For this the opposition has to return to Parliament from the streets.

In order to perform, the government needs to legislate. For this it has to develop working relations with the opposition and create a conducive environment in Parliament. Instead of confronting the establishment, the opposition now only complains about its interventions in the political sphere. Time for those who matter to meditate stepping back from an arena where mudslinging is all too common.

The Editorial Department of Pakistan Today can be contacted at: [email protected].

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