Asad Khattak, the former husband of Pakistani actor Veena Malik, filed a notice in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday against the transfer of his two minor children to Pakistan.
In this regard, IHC Chief Justice (CJ) Athar Minallah has directed that he pay the court processing fee as he failed to do so after the last hearing, leading to his lawyer requesting more time.
The court has issued notices to the Interior Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry that the registered office will only issue Khattak’s notice after the due payments have been made.
Khattak currently claims Malik took their two children, 5-year-old Amal and 6-year-old Ibrahim, to Pakistan illegally and in turn, served a Rs500 million legal notice.
He also claims that his former wife abducted their two kids from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after the Dubai court ruled the kids’ custody in his favour.
Malik, in response to Khattak’s claims, sent a legal notice of Rs500 million claiming that she lawfully brought her children to Pakistan.