Pictures of Gawadar Stadium went viral a week ago, even International Cricket Council (ICC) tweeted its picture and termed it the most beautiful Cricket Ground of the world. This Stadium is between rocky mountains and also covered by open deserted area. Gawadar deep sea port which is back bone of CPEC project, picture of stadium definitely caught attention of world. Meanwhile Baloch nation and locals of Gawadar suffered from this picture. They also demand to share their picture of grief and address it. Habitants of the city face scarcity of water, they are barred to fish in their own sea which is main source of earning.
There is a visible threat of demographic change, as soon as CPEC is completed foreigners and locals of other provinces settle in Gawadar, they would be driven into minority. Another major concern of people is āfencing Gawadarā if movements of local people is being restricted in early days it would be extended in future. Major issues if local people are not heard and highlighted which can blur the beautiful picture of Gawadar in really means. A very condemnable fact in our media is that media highlights picture of Gawadar does not highlight picture of people living in Gawadar. Giving importance to land over the people should end now.
Noor Baloch