Child marriage in Pakistan

Child marriage is defined as a marriage of a girl or a boy before the age of 18.The issue of child marriage in Pakistan is just because of lack of awareness among people to understand the mental and physical impacts of it. The negative impacts of child marriage on a society are a lot such as growing population, lack of food, education and etc.
However, the rate of child marriage is increasing constantly in Pakistan where more than 50 percent of marriages are solemnised before the age of 18,are mostly of girls. According to a research, in Pakistan 70 percent of girls marriages are being fixed before the age of 16, which is one of the most common reasons in the increase of death rate in women during the delivery. Moreover, In few rural and tribal areas of country such as, Balochistan and inner Sindh, children are forced to marry early and even without their consent.
It’s humble request to the parents of children and government to make seminars, programs and welfare organisations to guide people to stop child marrige in early eges.

Imran Marri


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