Encouraging signs

The proposed India-Pakistan joint statement on a ceasefire along the LoC is a positive sign perfectly in the right direction. According to the media inputs, the so-called backchannel diplomacy seems to have played a big role in enacting the current positive state of affairs along the de facto border areas. Encouragingly enough, most English media outlets in Pakistan and the Indian media houses have started flashing this news piece. Even the international forums like the UN and the West have appreciated the whole ceasefire effort by Pakistan and India. Yet again, it is the big responsibility of the media houses not to send out unnecessary sensational, confusing news items instead to concentrate on the possible positive things on the sides of both Pakistan and India. Right from my childhood and straight through all these years, I have been seeing many local people in my native areas like Korkai, Tiruchendur, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu, who have often been speaking well of the India-Pakistan relationship. Most of all, the people in India and Pakistan have already been living through their respective culture and Constitution post the Independence era. This fact cannot be wrong either on both sides. If Asian nations like Pakistan and India are able to resolve their disputes, then it will not only send the positive signals across the region but also attract the West and the rest of the world. Above all, other important channels like proper communication, regular train, ship and bus services across the border and transborder economic activities will strengthen the lives of Indians and Pakistanis and also create the robust economic activities across the Asian region.
P Senthil Saravana Durai

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