Honouring oaths

There are numerous Hadiths which signify the sanctity of an oath taken publicly and voluntarily, which can be renounced only under rare circumstances, if there is danger to life of self or family, or quoting Abu Huraira “whosoever swears an oath of obedience to God, should remain obedient to Him, and whoever swears an oath of disobedience to God, should not disobey him”. Quaid-e-Azam in his 14 June 1948 address at Quetta, emphasized upon the significance of the oath, its legal implications and bindings, and the responsibilities it places on the person who pledges an oath.

The recitation of the Kalema is basically an oath which any individual if he recites voluntarily and willingly, enables them to enter the fold of Islam. By reciting the Kalema an individual pledges belief in one Almighty Allah SWT, as master of the universe, and that Muhammad PBUH is his last messenger. Any doubts, automatically expels the individual from Islam in the eyes of Almighty Allah SWT. The State has no role to perform, except to cater for the welfare of all citizens. It is obligatory on the state to provide justice, equal opportunities to all law- abiding citizens, without any fear or favor, irrespective of his caste, creed, sex or ethnicity.

Unfortunately, the ease and frequency with which, the oath to protect the Constitution and Rule of Laws, has been violated is shocking for a country with Muslim majority population. In other countries where there is constitutional democracy such as in the USA, when former President Trump wanted the army to impose some sort of martial law, Gen Willey refused and in a rare statement stated that the armed forces have taken an oath to protect the constitution. Quaid-e-Azam promised that Pakistan would be a modern democratic welfare state, with justice and equality before law for all citizens. Unfortunately, those at helm after MAJ’s sad demise have betrayed Father of Nation and the country suffered many humiliations and tragedies such as the 1971 debacle, and yet no lessons have been learned.

Malik Tariq Ali


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