The ecological debate

The problem can no longer be ignored

“In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy, and peace.” – Wangari Maathai, 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate

The fierce urgency of the climate crisis, the spark of neoliberalism, indigent political leadership, and an increasing apprehension of injustice are the holes out of which something new would appear. covid-19 is temporary, environmental insecurity is permanent. Fears of a nuclear holocaust and other forms of violence have long haunted the world and our environment. Only when there is no green life left, the last fish is consumed and there is no water left; man will know that he cannot live by fighting for money.

The reconciliation is that we all need biodiversity. Ecosystems worldwide are greatly threatened by human activities, including climate change and the degeneration and disintegration of natural habitats. Growth of the human population is majorly affecting the environment. The growth in population and the vast trend of urbanization is increasing the habitat destruction. Safe habitat is the first option to preserve biodiversity.

Environmental security has become a political issue in today’s world which is creating conflict among all regions. This issue ties heavily into the concept of global security. The relation between environment, issues of security, economic growth and social stability has gained importance since the end of the Cold War. Climate change is amplifying ecological tensions. Environmental security is deemed expanding and complex, which exists in both objective and subjective realms. Innovative ecological security crises have been responsible for engulfing the lives of innocent people over time than conventional intrastate military threats, and therefore represent a collateral and arguably more important source of instability and insecurity. In today’s world, climate change is seen as a greater threat exacerbating existing threats to security and increasing environmental stress.

Positive environmental momentum should be maintained with a high functioning economy. The covid-19 pandemic has suffocated the global economy, wiping out everything. It has brought several effects on the environment and ecosystem. The world has seen an unprecedented destruction of habitats. Changes in our lifestyle, changes in how we use our resources, intensification of agriculture and unsustainable trade has all had its effects on our ecosystem. This pandemic has become a new form of global pollution due to the drastically increasing waste products, disinfectants and antiseptic soaps.

The Earth is screaming for its life and is in desperate need of humanity’s help. We cannot afford to simply ignore the distress-call of planet Earth and all its inhabitants. To successfully tackle the challenge of ecological stability and security, it is crucially essential that we stand together as a unified human population and act immediately, because the time frame for the deterrence of an unprecedented ecological and environmental catastrophe is shrinking by every passing day. Together we can adopt the measures required to stop the ecological crisis of our planet and precede a new age of morality, unity and responsibility for all life on Earth.

The world is changing at a rapid rate. The one-two punch of environmental change and rampant population growth is already shrinking the world’s limited resources, forcing us to make hard choices about how we use our resources, feed ourselves and power our technology. The climate change is here and it is very much real, because of which the mountains are suffering, forests are becoming red, temperatures are rising, we are expecting water scarcity and power cuts in coming times. With most of the global population in urban cities, some people may be enticed to ignore the security and sustainability threats to our biophysical sphere and to the ecosystems that constitute it. Some may think we can somehow ignore and surpass nature, but we cannot. Despite the wonders of science and technology and the ingenuity that creates it, we humans remain organic, living beings.

Ecology is a legitimate science. Planet Earth would undergo an unfavorable transformation creating a major non-discrete kill off. Our ecological crisis is an unprecedented one. Preservation and strengthening of environmental security should be top priority for any government. Environmental devastation is a worldwide problem. Theft of natural resources, environmental degradation and the resultant climate crisis always threaten ecological, social and economic security at all levels of society  which can produce destabilising political systems.

The Earth is screaming for its life and is in desperate need of humanity’s help. We cannot afford to simply ignore the distress-call of planet Earth and all its inhabitants. To successfully tackle the challenge of ecological stability and security, it is crucially essential that we stand together as a unified human population and act immediately, because the time frame for the deterrence of an unprecedented ecological and environmental catastrophe is shrinking by every passing day. Together we can adopt the measures required to stop the ecological crisis of our planet and precede a new age of morality, unity and responsibility for all life on Earth.

Our selfish needs are destroying our mother Earth. We should save this beautiful Earth. Save our wildlife. Save the forests. Save our environment. We should transform our cities to eco-cities. Despite Earth’s countless services for us, we are unable to pay off her kindness to us.

Zainab Nazir
Zainab Nazir
The writer is a freelance columnist

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