Federal Minister for Science and Technology Chaudhry Fawad Hussain on Saturday said that the opposition alliance, Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) was dead. Talking to media persons after an MoU signing ceremony between Lampro Mellon and PCSIR for a training programme, Fawad Chaudhry said that Opposition parties should accept government’s offer for electoral reforms. He said, “Now the politics of resignations is over and the politics of reforms has started.” He said that the opposition parties should review their politics as criticism on national institutions had caused damage to such political parties themselves. He said expensive power plants established by the past rulers were generating costly electricity for the consumers. The minister said that those criticising over sugar prices, should see that sugarcane growers were given complete payments first time by the PTI. Fawad said that engineers will be given necessary training for preparing mobile SIMs, chips, computer parts and other accessories as per the demands of the international markets.
Fawad Chaudhry said that Opposition parties should accept government’s offer for electoral reforms. He said, “Now the politics of resignations is over and the politics of reforms has started.” He said that the opposition parties should review their politics as criticism on national institutions had caused damage to such political parties themselves. He said expensive power plants established by the past rulers were generating costly electricity for the consumers. The minister said that those criticising over sugar prices, should see that sugarcane growers were given complete payments first time by the PTI.
Sohail Ali Khan