Mansehra zoo

The Government of KP wants to construct a new zoo at Mansehra. Although all the experts have told them that the animals won’t survive the hot weather of Mansehra. But the Government wants to move the animals to Kalam each summer and than bring them down in winters. They want to take on this extra cost and burden because they want the local people to be educated in Wild life and Environment protection. Although the Government’s intentions are great but their method is full of holes. I think the KP Government should consider setting up a Museum at Mansehra instead of a costly zoo. A Museum won’t have a high running cost and will attract more tourists as Museums are unique and there is already a zoo in Peshawar. Besides show casing the local art, culture and even Ghandar origins, a section in the Museum can showcase local animals and how to take care of the Environment. The Government can even ask famous Museums in other nations to donate or borrow their Museum displays that are not in use by them. These displays are very educational and most Museums store their old displays in their store or destroy them. They would happily donate them to make more space. Yours Sincerely,

Shahryar Khan Baseer


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