Corona tests for teachers

Punjab School Education Minister Dr. Muraad in his latest press Conference which was held at QAED said , “ it is mandatory for all School teachers to conduct Corona test before joining the schools which will reopen on 15th September.”
Minister must be acknowledged that Govt. School teachers are the most vulnerable community of civil servants. Their salaries are very low. They cannot afford huge fee of Corona test. Govt has already denied to increase salaries of its employees in budget 2020-2021 and has been deducting conveyance Allowance from teachers salaries since march 2020. The entire teacher community is worried on latest announcement of Minister. Did all others Govt. employees joine their respective offices after conducting Corona test? If it is necessary to curb the spread of this deadly virus then Govt should pay the fee of this test or sanction “ corona test fee allowance “ in upcoming pay so the teachers can conduct their tests before joining the school again. Minister should review his decision.

Mahtab Ali Khan


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