Covid impact on mental health 

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of people around the world. COVID-19 pandemic has caused anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in different population groups, including the healthcare workers, the general public, and the patients and quarantined individuals. The guidelines on mental health and psychosocial support of the inter-Agency standing committee of the United Nations recommends that the core principles of mental health support during an emergency are not hard to promote human rights and equality, use participatory approaches, build on existing resources and capacities, adopt multi-layered interventions and work with integrated support systems.COVID-19 is affecting people’s social connectedness, their trust in people and institutions, their jobs and incomes, as well as imposing a huge toll in terms of anxiety and worry. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused stress, anxiety, and worries for many individuals.

Recently, in Pakistan, a father has killed his three children by throwing them in the river due to not having money to facilitate them with food during this pandemic, and shamefully to say the present government is failed to save the lives of which is just playing the role of a statue that needs help from others to maintain itself.

Khuda Dad Baloch


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