UN credibility at great risk in Indian-held Kashmir

The world is taking grave risks, beside soiling its own credibility

The United Nations was established following World War 11 in 1945 to  provide international  cooperation and resolve  world conflicts . But it has miserably failed to settle the lingering, burning, bleeding  unresolved Kashmir dispute between neighbouring nuclear powers of India and Pakistan and its credibility as a world body has remained at great risk for more than seven decades.

The UN has failed miserably to ensure implementation of resolutions of its Security Council calling for a free, fair and transparent plebiscite in Indian-held Jammu and Kashmir to let the Kashmiris exercise their fundamental right of self-determination for which they are struggling against, and suffering at the hands of, occupying Indian security forces while the Indian government, headed by Prime Minister Narenda Modi, continues to belittle and flout all international laws.

Besides the international community, the world body is also time and again being reminded at the appropriate highest level of Pakistan that the Kashmir issue is a nuclear  flashpoint, so that without its resolution durable peace and stability in the region remains in danger and if the UN fails to act at the earliest possible in resolving the Kashmir issue peacefully, its own credibility will continue to be at great risk

Unmindful of its obligations to international laws and regulations, India continues to  pursue its own evil and devilish agenda, and had revoked special status of its occupied Jammu and Kashmir on 5 August 2019, merging it illegally still with the Indian Union, enhanced the strength of its occupying security forces giving them free hand to crush and kill  Kashmiris at will, and placed the entire population of the occupied territory under complete lockdown also from the same date, which continues unabated after even more than 20 months.

Furthermore, to continue pursuing  Hindutva policy of the RSS, the Modi government is also taking measures to turn the Muslim majority into a minority by resorting to genocide and settling down Hindus there  by issuing down fake and unlawful migration certificates.

India is bound under the international laws  not to change the demography of Indian-Held Kashmir  in an unchecked and unceasing manner. The UN as well as the international community at large is looking the other way and not going beyond condemnation of gross human rights violations and continues to refrain from pressuring Indian government in any manner to stop changing the demography of the occupied territory .

There are many important dates in the history of Kashmir on which the Kashmiris in Indian-Held Kashmir, as well as in Pakistan and the world over, observe Martyrs Days and Black Days to pay tributes to their  freedom  fighters who had lost their lives over the last seven decades-plus in indigenous, unarmed struggle for securing their fundamental right of self-determination, free  themselves from Indian occupation and decide their future themselves, which has persistently been denied to them by India belittling the international laws and bluntly refusing implementation of UN Security  Council resolutions.

May 21 was another such Martyrdom Day which the Kashmiris everywhere observed to commemorate the martyrdom of Mir Waiz Farooq Shaheed and Abdul Ghani Lone  Shaheed on this date by the Indian security forces in  1990 and 2002 respectively.

Observance of the Kashmiris Martyrs Day on May 21 will be yet another occasion to remind the UN and international community of their obligations to ensure implementation of Security Council resolutions, pressurizing India to its longest complete lockdown in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and ending flagrant violations of human rights.

Pakistan has all along been extending political, diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmiris in their just ,indigenous and unarmed struggle for freedom from Indian occupation and exercising their birthright of self-determination.

On all martyrs days and black days which the Kashmiris observe, the civil and military leadership of Pakistan as well as the people all over the country reiterate their continued support to the Kashmiris and exerting upon the United Nations and its Security Council to honour its own resolutions and get these implemented by India at the earliest possible.

At the initiatives of Prime Minister Imran Khan , who had been raising the Kashmir issue not only at the UN General Assembly but also all other international forums, the Kashmir issue has been activated during the last couple of years pulling it out of the cold storage of the world body where it was lying for more than past five decades.

The civil and military leadership of Pakistan has been urging the international community  every now and then to honour their obligations towards the Kashmiris, force the Indian government to reverse its 5 August 2019 revocation decision and restore the special status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir  and play its active role in ending the ongoing bloodshed, violence and killings of innocent Kashmiris at the hands of Indian security forces and let the Kashmiris exercise their self-determination right in a UN-supervised plebiscite in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

Besides the international community, the world body is also time and again being reminded at  the appropriate highest level of Pakistan that the Kashmir issue is a nuclear  flashpoint, so that without its resolution durable peace and stability in the region remains in danger and if the UN fails to act at the earliest possible in resolving the Kashmir issue peacefully, its own credibility will continue to be at great risk.

No words are strong enough to condemn ongoing lingering brutalities and oppression of Indian occupying security forces in Indian-Held Kashmir, to deplore the lingering indifferent attitude of the international community towards bleeding Kashmir,  being more interested in its trade and economic relations with the big country of India and also to continue availing every opportunity to remind the world body to wake up out of its deep slumber, realize its hitherto persistently ignored obligations towards oppressed and suppressed Kashmiris and force India to stop the ongoing killings of occupied territory and implement Security Council resolutions to which both India and Pakistan are signatories, and save its credibility which otherwise will continue to be at risk in the face of denial of all international laws by India.

Muhammad Zahid Rifat
Muhammad Zahid Rifat
The writer is Lahore-based Freelance Journalist, Columnist and retired Deputy Controller (News) , Radio Pakistan, Islamabad and can be reached at [email protected]


  1. Pakistani islamic terrorist captured a part of Jammu and Kashmir and loaned out a part to China.

  2. Please quote UN resolution/s which you are referring here? Please vacate PoK & GB soon or else the Jahils will face more tamasha like 1971. Pakistani jokers like writer have left themselves with NO OTHER OPTIONS by their such idiotic rants. 😄

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