Cheap Hydro Power for Far off Industrial Estates

Mohmmand Dam construction was recently inaugurated by the Prime Minister. Similarly many other dams are also in the process of construction in KP and other provinces. With so many dams producing Hydel power that would need to be transported to populated areas would result in massive line losses that would be a wastage. Therefore with the launch of every new Hydel Power project, the Government should also launch an Industrial Estate project in the area. The Government can offer cheap fixed rate electricity to new Industries that would setup in the new industrial estates, while also construct required infrastructure. Similarly to promote agriculture, agriculture machine units can be constructed near national grid that would be provided cheap electricity, and would contain agriculture processing machines. Local farmers can bring their produce to these units and process or pack them by paying a fixed fee. This way the Government can create new jobs, improve agriculture processing and create new industries in far off areas, while also utilize some of the energy locally, reducing the load on National Grid and also reducing the wastage of energy through line losses.
Shahryar Khan Baseer


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