Four PAF officers promoted to rank of air vice marshal

ISLAMABAD: The government has promoted four officers of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to the rank of Air Vice Marshal (AVM).

The promoted officers include Air Vice Marshal Shahid Mansoor Jehangiri, Air Vice Marshal Kashif Qamar, Air Vice Marshal Asim Rashid Malik and Air Vice Marshal Syed Hasan Kashif.

Air Vice Marshal Shahid Mansoor Jehangiri was commissioned in GD (P) Branch of Pakistan Air Force in May, 1991. During his career, he has commanded a fighter squadron, a flying wing and an operational air base. He has also served as Deputy Director General Air Intelligence at Air Headquarters, Islamabad. He is a recipient of Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military).

Air Vice Marshal Kashif Qamar was commissioned in GD (P) Branch of Pakistan Air Force in May, 1991. During his career, he has commanded a fighter squadron, a flying wing and an air base. He has also served as Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Safety) at Air Headquarters, Islamabad. He is a recipient of Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military).

Air Vice Marshal Asim Rashid Malik was commissioned in Engineering Branch of Pakistan Air Force in December, 1991. During his career, he has commanded an engineering wing. He has also served as Managing Director Mirage Rebuild Factory, Kamra. He is a recipient of Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military).

Air Vice Marshal Syed Hasan Kashif was commissioned in Engineering Branch of Pakistan Air Force in December, 1991. During his career, he has commanded an engineering depot and served as Deputy Managing Director (Avionics) at Kamra. He has also served as Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Electronics Engineering) at Air Headquarters, Islamabad. He is a recipient of Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military).

Mian Abrar
Mian Abrar
The writer heads Pakistan Today's Islamabad Bureau. He has a special focus on counter-terrorism and inter-state relations in Asia, Asia Pacific and South East Asia regions. He tweets as @mian_abrar and also can be reached at [email protected]

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