Gender inequality 

Writing about gender inequality is about to bring awareness that people could know where they stand. Unequal treatment of individual in the basis of gender. There is no any differences between men and women and transgenders accept differences in socially constructed gender role as well as biologically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences. Gender inequality can be seen easily in our society. Gender discrimination is still a huge issue. Women have to fight to vote for equal pay and to have male dominant jobs but still get lower incomes. The same works which man do and women can also do but still, society reacts that women cannot do. At working character male are on 80.5% and female are on 19.5%. In our so called’s modern society the women cannot get their rights. Women participation in labour force is just 26%. According to a study carried out in 2009 by Human rights watch, it is estimated that between 20 and 30 per cent of women in Pakistan have suffered some form of abuse. An estimated 5000 women are killed per year from domestic violence. With thousands of other maimed of disabled.Number of women get raped or tortured every other day. Either it’s 40 years Shazia or 6 years Zainab. Raping,domestic violence or sexual harassment is become a common thing and transgender are facing the same. Everyone is equal either man or woman and transgenders.Individual should work on themselves. Equally, respect every gender either at home or outside.Notice the signs of violence.

Saeeda Aziz 


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