Tribal disputes in Northern Sindh

Education is the key

The Indus civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Today, a peaceful land is surrounded by carnage. On one hand, the Indus valley has been progressive, and gives education of resilience, peace, love, and prosperity but on other hand, some repugnant facts cannot be eluded. In the digital era of science and technology, the world is turning out to be a global village and languages of interaction are becoming operational entities where emotional issues are sidelined by print and electronic media, an assumption of a malicious society seems to be ended or paused. Despite this moving ahead, people are busy in combating each other in the oldest civilization of peace and felicity.

The prideful identity of people has died down, but old-fashioned  havecustoms are sustaining and traditional hostilities have continuously flowed in a customary manner. People are likely to attend local settlements of disagreements and disputes in sittings of so-called burgomasters of localities. Trends of the “Jirga System” can’t be denied in Sindh even though they have eroded the peaceful culture, pride, and hospitality, breaking the bonds of primary love, and have destroyed the beloved relations among the community of Indus valley.

Articulate the designed law to be put into practice and take off a strict code of conduct which must be served to ensure peace in the northern areas of Sindh. The people there are undergoing a day of sorrow that is longer than a month of joy. The provincial government should address the problem in a comprehensive search on an urgent basis for the peace and prosperity of the region

The feeble writ of the provincial government makes people prefer to feel safe in the system of so-called barons, burgomasters, feudals, and landlords. These are the awful circumstances of the northern parts of Sindh where people are murdered, daughters and mothers are abducted; ransom for kidnapping is demanded; and all put adverse impacts on the progress and development of the province.

A horrible concept is in progress about the peaceful land of the Indus River. Different quarrels and feuds are grabbing the precious lives of many innocent men, women, and children of the local areas, and people are seen helpless in front of a few landlords or tribal chiefs in the constituencies of northern parts of Sindh. It may not be wrong to say, the “whole of Sindh is spindled with the fold of these outdated troubles since many decades”.

The northern areas of the Indus civilization are fertile in agriculture. Unfortunately, due to the worst law and order situation, unemployment, poverty, and frustration among the people prevail unanimously with great growth. In the affected localities no genuine security measures have been taken by the provincial government, and people are playing in the hands of a few influentials.

There is a need for an inevitable social change via quality education in the masses. Education alone can eradicate the ill practices from the northern localities of Sindh. Shikarpur city was once called “Paris of Sindh” but now ignorance carries the day and dacoits rule the rural belt of forest, today. Chieftains of communities cover the role of a good player with the law and enforcement agencies, meanwhile people are gunned down in the name of honour.

At the same moment, these so-called white-collar and blue-blooded lords are tangled in land-grabbing, massive corruption, and tribal disputes. In addition to this, the influential, landlords, and politicians are sponsoring people for the white-colour crimes in the cities.

This whole scheme is designed to entertain the vested interests of lords in power. The role of lawmakers in power and bureaucracy in tribal conflicts cannot be denied in tribal clashes, as without their directions massive killings cannot be committed. They do not want to control and eradicate from different communities so that their business of blackmailing in the region can continue.

In north Sindh, many tribes have their existence in small villages and towns. About 320 tribes live in the districts of Kashmore, Jacobabad, and Shikarpur. Among them, a few tribes are not involved in conflicts and feuds. Disputes in northern Sindh have been practised for many years till today.

Politically, socially, and economically people are facing regressive settings in many towns, villages, and cities. Many women have become widows, children have become orphans, and mothers are deprived of their grown sons.

In the rural areas, a man represents his whole tribe across its boundary as its chief or lord. Tribe chief has authority to control the tribe or community for the vested interests and resolve the queries of tribe members with their own will. Five fingers are not equal yet many tribal influentials across Sindh are trying their best to end tribal conflicts. They have positive consent and they are in favour that everybody could breathe peacefully and enjoy their life in a sound manner with their loved ones.

There are many causes of tribal conflicts in northern Sindh. Some of the causes are bad governance, illiteracy, poverty, ignorance, the diplomatic role of political leaders or politicians, lords, chiefs of tribal communities, honour killings, agricultural lands, theft of cattle, distribution of water for agricultural lands, and love marriages.

The chiefs, lords, barons, politicians of concerned constituencies, and influentials of the northern areas implement practically the British motto of “divide and rule”.

They are not willing to provide better infrastructure because of their interests. No society is free from crime and troubles, but resolving tribal conflicts must be the first priority of the government in the northern areas of Sindh. People there are frustrated, jobless, homeless, and have lost their loved ones in tribal clashes.

Many innocents are suffering in the wake of this curse. Farmers are badly affected and their fertile lands have become barren because of the law and order situation in the region. Government must take serious measures to eliminate the feudal system. Law enforcement agencies must play their pivotal role to curb tribal clashes.

It is often said that “a rising tide lifts all boats”. So, without quality education and eradication of illiteracy, the dream of peace in those areas cannot come true. Provision of lethal weapons must be stopped for the maintaining of law and order situation for the long term. Providers of arms must be brought to book. Undeterred dacoits, their facilitators and well-wishers, must be held accountable by the law. Besides this, the adjoining borders of Balochistan from where smuggling of weapons and drugs is reported, must be carefully tackled to save precious lives. Rome was not built in a day; things will take time to restore.

Articulate the designed law to be put into practice and take off a strict code of conduct which must be served to ensure peace in the northern areas of Sindh. The people there are undergoing a day of sorrow that is longer than a month of joy. The provincial government should address the problem in a comprehensive search on an urgent basis for the peace and prosperity of the region.

Ajmal Meer Mehdi
Ajmal Meer Mehdi
The writer can be reached at

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