Exploitation day shows the way

India has no choice but to let the Kashmiris determine their own future 

Staying true to its abiding commitment to the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir as enshrined in the UN resolutions, Pakistan observed 5th August as Exploitation Day (Youm-e-Istehsal) in commemoration of the ending of the special status of Indian-Occupied Kashmir by the Modi government two years ago. The Observance of the day was meant to show solidarity with the oppressed people of Indian-Occupied Kashmir and also to sensitize the world community about the horrendous situation they were confronted with. On the appeal of the All-Parties Hurriyet Conference a complete shutter-down strike was also observed in major cities of Indian-Occupied Kashmir besides protest rallies by the Pakistani and Kashmiri diasporas across the world.

Notwithstanding the fact that the international community has refused to buy the Indian narrative that the action taken in Indian-Occupied Kashmir was her internal matter and reiteration by the UNSC in its informal meetings that the solution to the Kashmir dispute had to be found in accordance with the UN Charter and the relevant UN resolutions, India remains adamant in not heeding the international voices.  It has also neglected protests by the UN and the communications written to it by EU parliamentarians in regards to human rights violations in Indian-Occupied Kashmir Indian-Occupied Kashmir.

Kashmiris are facing unabated extra-judicial killings, custodial torture and deaths, arbitrary detentions, burning and looting of houses to inflict collective punishment and other worst forms of human rights abuses. These abuses have been well documented by a number of international organizations including the UN, the OHCHR, European Parliament, international media and global human rights entities such as Amnesty International.

According to reports compiled by international agencies, over 500 people have been killed since 5 August 2019. Three thousand people are under arrest, including 200 politicians.  Reportedly 10,000 people have been picked up and have disappeared since. Though internet services were restored in August 2020 on the orders of the Indian Supreme Court, the people are still living in an open prison and suffering immensely at the hands of the Indian security forces.

The Modi government has not only ended the special status of the state and annexed it to the Indian Union but has also initiated a process for changing political, constitutional and cultural ground realities besides the economic disempowerment of the people of Indian-Occupied Kashmir in pursuance of the implementation of BJP agenda. The process has been unleashed through the promulgation of a new domicile law to change demographic realities and turn Indian-Occupied Kashmir into a Hindu-majority state. All the foregoing actions by India constitute a serious violation of the UNSC resolutions, international law and the fourth Geneva Convention.

It is about time that the UN and global community woke up to the oppression against people of Indian-Occupied Kashmir and stopped the hate philosophy of Hindutva in its tracks before it was too late and also played a role in the implementation of the relevant UN resolutions. The Indian leaders must also learn from history. By oppressing and persecuting the people of Kashmir and denying them the right of self-determination they are trying to reverse the wheel of history, which is impossible and can have disastrous consequences.

The Indian government however is desperately trying to create and build a narrative of normalcy in Indian-Occupied Kashmir to hoodwink the world. Modi recently convened an All Parties Conference, attended by Congress and pro-Indian political entities ostensibly to reverse the developing situation. However it failed to achieve the desired objective. Even the pro-India parties insisted on restoration of the old status of the state with the same administrative and constitutional powers.

The APHC, which is the real representative of the people of Kashmir, was not invited to the moot. The real objective of the Modi government to convene the APC was to seek approval for its scheme for delimitation of the assembly constituencies which would have ensured enhancement in the number of non-Muslim seats in the assembly, making it convenient for the BJP to install its own Chief Minister.

There is no denying the Indian action of 5 August 2019 not only constitutes an affront to the UN and the conscience of the world community, but has also endangered the region’s peace and security. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has continuously been rattling the conscience of the global community and warning it against the dangers that the RSS philosophy of Hindutva poses to this region.

The Modi government’s action of 5 August 2019 has also been opposed by conscientious elements within India as well as Congress, the major opposition political party. P. Chidambaram, a senior leader of Congress, opposing the bill for the repeal of Article 370 in the Rajya Sabha, had said “The move will have catastrophic consequences. You are dismembering the J&K in the name of people of Kashmir. Do not do that. Reflect on what you are doing. Momentarily you may think you have scored a victory, but you are wrong and history will prove you to be wrong. Future generations will realize what a grave mistake this House is making today. BJP’s sense of victory will be short-lived and history will prove it to be wrong” His statement reflected historic truth.

Oppression and injustice never last long. History is replete with examples where oppression, persecution and injustice have led to the downfall and destruction of nations and civilizations, bestowing ignominy and ruin on those who as oppressor inflicted wounds on the oppressed.  It is said that oppression has its own self-destructive dimension. The oppressors met that fate because they strived to suppress the truth through the power at their command rather than employing human virtues and values to ensure longevity to their power-stints.

Malcolm X, an African-American leader of the civil rights movement in the USA, said, “Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it’s against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it’s against the oppressor. You don’t need anything else.” The quote contains an eternal truth that the oppressor is destined to perish ultimately because of him being against the truth, and when that is the situation the oppressed do not need anything to get rid of him.

Robert F. Kennedy, expressing thoughts on oppression, its fate and the reaction it generates among the oppressed, said, “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

It is about time that the UN and global community woke up to the oppression against people of Indian-Occupied Kashmir and stopped the hate philosophy of Hindutva in its tracks before it was too late and also played a role in the implementation of the relevant UN resolutions. The Indian leaders must also learn from history. By oppressing and persecuting the people of Kashmir and denying them the right of self-determination they are trying to reverse the wheel of history, which is impossible and can have disastrous consequences.

Malik Muhammad Ashraf
Malik Muhammad Ashraf
Malik Muhammad Ashraf is an academic. He can be contacted at: [email protected].


  1. Exploitation day of all wives of impotent paki big shots shows the way!
    How many do you want to marry and again opt for reserving 72 virgins particularly kashmiri origin? How long?

  2. The Muzzis of Pakistan, sans beautiful teachings of Islam, are continuously trying questioning India and its Hinduism. Blown by Two Nation Theory (TNT), such jokers neither have real knowledge of ‘Universal Brotherhood’ nor of ‘Vasudaiva Kutumbakam’ which is core of both religions i.e. Islam and Hinduism.

    No doubt we are Sharik Brothers and our relationship of love/ hate may continue for generations. However, the interpreters of Arabic Codexes in jungle, will continue to ruin gullible Pak citizenry in their Jahillya. This write-up is a perfect example of “Pre/Post Nabi Arabian Cutural Jahillya”. 😁

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