PM Imran censures ECP for opposing EVMs, electoral reforms

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday showed disapproval over the decision of Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to oppose electronic voting machines (EVMs) and electoral reforms.

The PM’s comments came during his address to members of the parliament, where he laid emphasis on electoral reforms, saying that EVMs were necessary for free and fair elections.

He went on to add that over the past 50 years, Pakistan had failed at conducting elections that were free, fair, transparent, and acceptable to all parties.

He stated that the decision to introduce EVMs was not made overnight, noting that his government had studied election reports and came to the conclusion that EVMs were the solution to stopping rigging.

The PM stated that “As soon as the elections are over, the result is in front of you. If someone wants to verify the [results], then they can check the paper trail”

“In the last 1.5 years, have they not helped the government, they did not bring any proposals; they just boycotted sessions,” the prime minister added.

He went on to point out that the government had invited the Opposition on multiple occasions to discuss the electoral reforms, but they refused to be a part of it, and neither did they propose another solution.

The PM went on to wonder as to why had the election commission had opposed the EVMs, as it was their job to conduct free, fair, and transparent elections in the country.

“They provided strange reasons: What if there is no electricity in Balochistan, what if this happens, what if that happens,” he said.

“Do they know what happens in the [traditional mode] of elections? Ballot papers are double stamped, the results arrive after 24 hours,” he said.

The only solution behind it is EVM, he stated.

The prime minister told the participants that till they, who are the country’s leaders, do not change themselves, they cannot lift the moral standing of the nation.

“Not everyone can do justice, when you have a low moral standing, you enter into deals, you cannot fight mafias,” the prime minister said, noting that all this happens when there are free and fair elections.

“You are up against mafias who are against free and fair elections,” he told the participants.

The prime minister told the lawmakers that the joint parliamentary session slated for tomorrow (Thursday) should be considered jihad, as it was not for his personal benefit, it was for the country.

The prime minister said reforms are always faced with opposition as they go against the corrupt elements vested interest.

The government is responsible for bringing electoral reforms, he said, as he mentioned that PTI had staged a 126-day sit-in in 2014 to push for reforms.

“We wanted to bring reforms so that the next elections would be fair,” he said.

While highlighting the importance of electoral reforms, he said that the 2018 general elections were termed as “rigged” by the PML-N despite the election personnel being appointed during their tenure.

Politicians are aware of what happens during Senate elections, he said.

“Videos surfaced that money was being distributed [for horse-trading]. This is how low our moral standards have fallen. The public representatives are seen putting money in their bags, while the election commission and the government look on silently.”

“The Supreme Court said that verifiable vote should be introduced in Senate elections, but the Opposition parties and election commission opposed it,” he said, wondering why the government was being criticised for electoral reforms as it would gain no “personal benefit” from it.

The prime minister asked when everyone knew that horse-trading takes place in Senate elections, then why did the election commission and Opposition oppose electoral reforms.

The prime minister wondered why the election commission and the Opposition opposed the electoral reforms despite videos showing lawmakers taking money.

The prime minister said he had entered politics to bring about change in the country, and that the goal behind “Naya Pakistan” was to put the nation back on track to fulfil its founders’ aims.

PM Imran stated that the Opposition parties were the product of a corrupt system and they would always oppose electoral reforms in the country.

“They had put their health on the back seat […] in their struggle to form a country in line with Islamic teachings,” he said, adding that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had established Riasat-e-Madina and set an example for the rest of the world.

The premier said if a nation’s morality remains intact, they cannot be beaten even with atomic bombs — just like Japan. PM Imran Khan said corruption thrives when a nation’s moral values have declined.

The prime minister said Scandinavian countries, China, and Jews were progressing as they had followed the way of the Prophet. “Any person who follows his footsteps will thrive.”


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