Rising hypertensive patients

Medical science says the systolic blood pressure of a healthy person should be 80 and below while the diastolic range is 120 and below
Lifestyle, eating habits, genes, activity level and smoking are major contributing factors for blood pressure to remain in the normal range. I was told by a GP at Whipps Cross Hospital London that the blood pressure of a smoker remains 5 degrees above in both ranges, the upper and lower in my recent visit to the UK on a routine medical check-up. Whipps Cross University Hospital is one of the major hospitals of London and was among the few visited by Prime Minister of UK, Mr Boris Johnson himself in days when corona was at its peak. It means that over time the heart has to struggle to beat and pump blood to the rest of the body. Arteries narrow down as nicotine sticks to the walls of minor blood vessels making it difficult for blood to make its way down to organs.I’m sharing this information so that those who smoke at least try to realize that smoking ultimately leads to an early death via sudden cardiac arrest or stroke. Don’t kill yourself with your hands. Life is a blessing by Almighty. Live for your families, children, yourself and your motherland instead of leaving your kids as orphans at an early age when they need you the most.

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