APHC terms Indian Occupied Kashmir as biggest human prison

SRINAGAR: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has strongly condemned the upsurge in cordon and search operations during the cold nights and days to suppress the freedom sentiments of the people of the territory.

According to KMS, the APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar lashing out at the Indian occupation forces for their inhuman behaviour towards the besieged people during the military operations described the occupied territory as a big jail where its inmates are forced to live a life worse than the life of convicted criminals.

He said that even the prisoners of war avail the facilities in accordance with the International law but the people of Kashmir besieged by more than one million occupation forces of India are forced to live a hellish life under the shadow of an undeclared war against them by New Delhi.

The spokesman denounced the suppressive and oppressive measures by India to impose its Hindutua agenda, change the demography of the Muslim majority territory and do away with the ongoing resistance movement. He said that
these farcical and theoretical gimmicks tried by India have miserably failed in Kashmir.

“The invincible and unwavering valour and pledge of the freedom loving people of Kashmir have time and again defeated the Indian military arrogance,” maintained the spokesman.

Killing the people with impunity, arresting, torturing, maiming and humiliating them for their inalienable and
legitimate right to self-determination have proved an exercise in futility for India, he added.

The spokesman urged India to shun its stubbornness and accept the ground realities pertaining to the Kashmir dispute. He condemned the authorities for not allowing the Muslims to offer Friday prayers at Jamia Masjid Srinagar since 5th of August 2019 and termed it a brazen violation of
religious rights of the Muslims.

The spokesman strongly condemned the continued house arrest of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and termed it as a sheer
interference and violation of religious matters and rights.  The APHC spokesman urged the United Nations Secretary General to impress upon India to stop genocide in Kashmir and allow a free and fair plebiscite in the territory in accordance with the United Nations Security Council

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