Denying objective truths

The PM must do better

There is no denying the fact that of the many problems faced by the people, especially the poorest sections of the population, unaffordability and unemployment are on top of the list and have been for some time. A wave of crippling inflation brought on by rising international commodity prices, persistently increasing domestic fuel and energy prices and massive devaluation of the rupee has become the hallmark of the PTI government’s tenure so far. The opposition too has used this reality to ridicule the government for its mismanagement of the economy and ineptitude in undertaking measures and reforms to correct course. Prime Minister Imran Khan, according to his recent direction to government spokespersons sees it differently, asking them to ‘inform the masses that there is no inflation’ and to present a counter narrative to the opposition’s lies about the economy. As leader of one of the largest national political parties in the country, it is his right and prerogative to challenge and counter his opponents by presenting sound arguments. And while politicians may feel compelled to add hyperbole and flare to their statements, such rhetoric cannot be a substitute for taking political positions based on objectivity and facts. When Mr Khan says that inflation is a lie and everything is hunky dory, he is refuting statistics compiled and released by institutions working directly under his government. The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), in addition to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), monitors and reports the Consumer Price Index (CPI) every month, and is one such example.

Data published last week by the PBS showed that headline inflation for the month of December came in at a 22-month high of 12.3% on a year-on-year basis, clearly showing that the general level of prices is rising. The federal commerce ministry, a portfolio that the PM himself retains, reported yesterday that the trade deficit, according to preliminary numbers, doubled on a year-on-year basis to stand at $24.78 billion for the first half of fiscal year 2021-22. On what basis, the Prime Minister is claiming that the economy is doing better than being reported, is therefore beyond comprehension. One expects the PM to do much better than misrepresent, and in some cases completely dismiss, objective truths.

The Editorial Department of Pakistan Today can be contacted at: [email protected].

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