Ominous Omicron

The situation gets worse

The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is spreading at a rate not precedented before, but no government seems to be doing anything. People should be worried, for this policy of ‘masterly inactivity’ might well conceal the inability of governments to come up with any response may conceal the absence of any idea of what to do. Worse, it might mean a deliberate and callous letting go of the populace to get as sick as possible, because one view of the omicron variant is that its very virulence will mean the demise of the coronavirus, Because everyone will catch the variant, runs the theory, everyone will develop immunity, and the virus will become endemic, rather than the epidemic it is at present. However, that policy would also involve a large number of people falling sick and thus a lot of illness and death. That would also involve an immense strain on the healthcare system, as an increasingly large number of people will fall ill and seek hospitalization. Memories have not faded, though becoming a little dulled with time, of the destruction wreaked by the delta variant in India, where corpses were dumped on the streets as crematoria ran out of space, and how half-burnt corpses were found in the River Ganges.

The incrrease in the positivity rate in Karachi was the first sign, and even though it is translating into an increase in the number of fresh cases, no extraordinary measures are planned, giving the impression that it has decided to let the infection run its course. Similarly, the federal government, which is known to be averse to any lockdowns, has also decided against the closing of schools.

However, on of the principal measures both to combat the disease, and to prevent itrs worst effects in the event of infection, has been vaccination. In fact, the government’s decrease in the minimum age for getting a booster shot, may well be the only response by the government towards the omicron variant.

The governments must avoid political one-upmanship and do what is best for the country. That does not mean leaving people at the mercy of the new variant. That sounds suspiciously like the now discarded herd-immunity theory that was doing the rounds before the ravages of the delta variant. Apart from ramping up the vaccination drive, proactive measures are needed.

The Editorial Department of Pakistan Today can be contacted at: [email protected].

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