Bullying must end

Bullying is unsolicited aggressive behaviour among school-aged children; it affects both kids who bully and those who are bullied. It involves different types of actions based on strength, power, and wealth such as threats, rumours, physical attacks or to make fun of appearances like obesity. Bullying can affect the mental, physical, and emotional health of a person. It can cause severe harm in the form of physical injury or mental distortion and leads to anxiety, depression, stress problems, and lack of confidence in life.

Bullying is a horrible and drastic thing especially among children and if it is traumatic then it can be a shepherd towards suicide. It is imperative to address the warning symptoms of bullying. School management should give attention to bullying by creating a positive school climate, better communication relationships between students and teachers, giving rewards to children due to healthy and positive behaviour, and raising awareness through different seminars among students.



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