Pakistani scientist selected to participate in UN biosecurity workshop

RAWALPINDI: Dr Wasim Sajjad, an assistant professor at National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), has been selected to represent the university at a virtual United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) Biosecurity Diplomacy Workshop (BDW), which will be held in Geneva from February 16 to March 16.

Dr Sajjad is a bio-safety and bio-security trainer, who recently completed his biosecurity champion fellowship from Health Security Partners USA.

The workshop will bring together 30 young scientists from the global south who have been working on topics related to the BWC.

The workshop will provide opportunities for professional development and exposure at the multilateral level. It will also help them liaise and learn from multilateral disarmament experts.

Aiming to harness young scientists’ expertise for finding solutions to current biosecurity policy issues, the workshop will offer a space for dialogue between young scientists and BWC practitioners including diplomats and experts.

Meanwhile, another NUMS scientist from DBS, Dr Adnan Haider, received the distinction of being included in the list of the top two per cent “cited authors” in 2021 by Stanford University.

Dr Adnan Haider has a post-doctorate from Yeungnam University, Daegu, South Korea and has published 73 articles in leading international journals.

This is the second year that his name appeared on the list of the highly cited articles in the most prominent journals.

His research work focuses on the development of metal nanoparticles, the synthesis of biopolymer composites, and electrospun (fibre production method) nanofibers for biomedical and environmental applications.

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