Implications of emerging world order

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is only the beginning

The world is changing with the passage of time and this change has been so rapid and significant after the pandemic hit the global economy by dragging businesses worldwide to a halt.

As the vaccine shots are being administered around the world the covid-19 cases have started coming down. But still the various variants such as Delta and Omicron are ringing the alarm bells for the world. Health concerns are on the rise engulfing the entire world. The experts do predict that this pandemic may stay for a long time in this world and all nations must take preventive measures to tackle the possible infections.

In the meantime, the country from where Covid-19 sprung has been on a greater mission, followed by Russia. This is because of the failure of the US invasion of Afghanistan after the passage of two decades dand espite investing millions of dollarsin infrastructure and regime change tactics.

The superpower has started experiencing isolation in the world due to its autocratic offensives and egoism as harboured and shown by the Trump Administration.

The Trump Administration almost messed up the diplomatic affairs and completely polarized the political landscape, which had sparked the Capitol Hill Mayhem. The dirty game changed the attitude of Republican supporters from patience to violence. That was the reason people voted for Joe Biden to become their new president: to start mending the foreign policy blunders committed by the insensible media celeb-turned-politician Donald Trump.

Though President Joe Biden has shown restraint from further aggravating the situation due to the shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan as the Taliban took over Kabul without any resistance from Afghan or American forces and got full control there.

The hatred, anger and opposition generated by the devilish role of the USA in Afghanistan, its hybrid war with Iran and support of Israel against Palestinians have further added to the mess. Though Ukraine is a close ally of the USA, it has completely failed to build pressure over Russia for the possible conquering of Ukraine.

So far, the separatist movement in two parts of Ukraine have been recognized as Independent states and Russia sent its forces to make peace. Russia shocked the USA and other NATO allies, and an emergency session of the UN has been called to impose sanctions on Russia and the parts of Ukraine that Russia has recognized as independent states.

The increasing power of  Eastern players,  China and  Russia, have created concerns for the West, especially the USA,  to contain and curtail the powers of both  Russia and  China so that the former may not occupy Ukraine and the latter may not use force against Taiwan. The isolated  USA  under Joe Biden is  trying hard  to use all  resources, allies and  even NATO to put pressure on both to  secure its relevance in the ever-changing world  order  since the  covid-19 pandemic took the world by storm, impacting the world’s biggest economies and imposing lockdowns.

The world is becoming one based on shared goals, peace and equality without the comparison of wealth, economy, development or structure. The vacuum left by the USA has been filled by China by helping the developing nations through the Belt and Road Initiative.

With the Taliban signing various agreements with China, it is evident that the mess left by the so-called superpower is being cleaned to reset the relations with global and regional powers.

Within the ever-changing world order, China has positioned itself tactfully leaving the USA stranded to the extent that a close ally as mentioned by the USA has turned his back and joined the party with Russia and China for a global reset of diplomatic relations.

It will be hard to digest that Pakistan has realigned its foreign policy towards regional power and has distanced itself from the USA, divorcing itself based on insincerity and double standards.

The USA is seen in political circles and the leadership as an opportunist. The experts and political pundits do contend that the USA always got something in return from Pakistan for Aid.

Though Pakistan has always delivered and facilitated thev USA, it has paid a heavy price for this because Pakistan has sacrificed thousands of civilians and soldiers fighting for the cause against terrorism. When it comes time for payback in the same coin, the USA withdraws support on all the key matters, especially the Kashmir dispute, the FATF grey list and the IMF tough conditions for loaning.

Inflation is exploding and the prices of daily use items are skyrocketing with the levy of taxes and price hikes in petroleum prices. In such circumstances, US support on the above matters might have been vital to maintaining the ever depleting foreign exchange reserves.

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, the UAE and China coming forward and offering help in the shape of fixed deposits, foreign exchange reserves have been protected, and may not drop further and the country’s trade may not be impacted.

Russia has been trying to regain its past glory, especially the position it had in the days of the USSR, since it has clear plans in place to regain and re-annexe Ukraine or the parts where separatist movements are in place. Formerly, it was the part of the USSR, which also included all the independent central Asian states such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan,, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan to resurrect the East bloc or even the USSR itself, taking the fullest advantage of an inactive USA due to a flawed, autocratic and Jewish-centric foreign policy that has impacted its global status and causing resistance to its anti-Muslim policies, especially towards Iran, Palestine and Afghanistan.

The tremors of change are echoing and the countries have started sorting ways to engage, align or realign their diplomatic policies given the circumstances of changing world order.

Security and foreign policy experts are of the view that ever-increasing interventions in the region in socio-economic projects by visionary Chinese President XI Jinping have made the USA have sleepless nights, followed by the Russian military manoeuvring and build-up along the Ukraine border to take control of the close US ally, Ukraine, or at least its pro-Russian areas. This will have far repercussions that might create chances of a world war. Though the Russian move has sent a clear message to the USA and NATO to stay away from the issue, the USA is finding it very hard to swallow this bitter pill.

But peace lovers need to expect restraint from mighty Russia against any possible use of force to occupy Ukraine and annex it. Afghan soil was used to disintegrate the USSR and the same is being used against the USA due to the power game.

It is pivotal for the leadership of Muslim countries including Pakistan to watch out and realign sensibly as they may face some issues. China enjoys great power and it has displayed it during skirmishes with Indian forces in Laddakh. India has been a diehard ally of the USA, being grilled on all sides by global power parleys.

The recent statement from the Taliban foreign Minister heralds that the Kashmir dispute may be resolved very soon as fascism and radicalism rule the roost in Modi’s India making the lives of minorities, especially Muslims, miserable. The recent incident of the Muslim girl Muskan Khan’s hijab controversy has gone viral and the BJP came in for serious criticism across the world.

It is imperative for world powers to understand the dimensions and position themselves in the new world order, or as some call it, the China order, due to its giant economy keeping flourishing even in the pandemic situation.

Wars and battles bring miseries in the world, so it is imperative that instead of heading towards misery and destruction, the world must adhere to peace and make joint efforts to prevent wars to secure the world.

Moreover, as PM Khan  and  the members of the cabinet are    visiting Russia on Invitation  of President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Pakistan should avoid becoming part of any bloc at the moment, given the complex and serious circumstances that may create problems if bigwigs like the USA, Russia and NATO forces started fightibg. It would be sensible to stay non-aligned with any bloc or group so that Pakistan may not pay the price as happened in Afghanistan.

New fronts do open for superpower as happened  in the Cold War or during the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by both  the USA and the then Soviet Union as both sustained heavy set back afterwards politically and Economically .

Though PM Imran Khan during his interview  with the Russian Media have made it clear that  Pakistan was  not going  to be part of any bloc given the myriad outlook of  issues grilling  various  nations .

The increasing power of  Eastern players,  China and  Russia, have created concerns for the West, especially the USA,  to contain and curtail the powers of both  Russia and  China so that the former may not occupy Ukraine and the latter may not use force against Taiwan. The isolated  USA  under Joe Biden is  trying hard  to use all  resources, allies and  even NATO to put pressure on both to  secure its relevance in the ever-changing world  0rder  since the  covid-19 pandemic took the world by storm, impacting the world’s biggest economies and imposing lockdowns .

Abdul Rahman Malik
Abdul Rahman Malik
The writer is a freelance columnist

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