Pakistan records drop in active coronavirus cases

The data released by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) has showed a steep drop in active coronavirus cases in Pakistan – from 105,675 cases reported on February 1 to 37, 212 on Saturday.

According to the NCOC, 1,207 new infections were detected out of total 53,625 tests conducted during the last 24 hours countrywide.

The new cases took Pakistan’s overall case count to 1,507,657 and dropped Covid-19 positivity ratio to 2.75 percent.

However, 14 more people lost their lives to the deadly virus during the last 24 hours, which placed the number of total deaths since the pandemic at 30,153.

Moreover, 25,313 people recovered from the infection during the last 24 hours.

Earlier on Tuesday, the NCOC relaxed some of the general curbs enforced in the country, irrespective of the city-wise coronavirus positivity rates, after witnessing a decreasing trend of coronavirus countrywide.

Moreover, the forum also agreed to remove Karachi, Hyderabad and Peshawar from the list of cities, where it earlier had decided to keep restrictions in place.

The cities still having Covid-19 positivity rate higher than 10 percent are Gilgit, Muzaffarabad and Mardan.

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