Civil services reforms

Globally, the civil service is an essential and vital component of state capacity for countries. Surely, there exists a strong positive relationship among quality of bureaucracy, economic development and overall domestic stability and prosperity of a county.

This, undoubtedly, makes civil service reforms critical for holistic national progress. But these reforms are complex and challenging owing to several long-prevalent formidable factors. As per my opinion, deep-rooted feudalistic tendencies in our society and among officials, red-tapism, nepotism and politicization etc. are a few of them. These issues urgently need to be tackled. Few remedial measures can be suggested in this regard.

Firstly, strict accountability and a system of check and balance of the officials should be ensured in true letter and spirit. Secondly, the menace of feudalism should be fully eradicated as it will help in depoliticizing all the institutions and efficient service delivery. Last but not the least, adequate financial incentives must be provided to the civil servants as per the nature of their jobs. If these steps are taken on a priority basis then development and prosperity would be the fate of this country.



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