Carrying valid CNICs and driving licenses if driving a vehicle or a motorbike are imperative. Once a citizen is stopped by traffic police personnel to see his/her valid driving license to know whether he/she is licensed to drive or not means whether he/she has qualified written and physical driving test or not and issued a license, one has to show a valid driving license in hard form to traffic police personnel otherwise challan is registered against him/her. To err is human and sometimes people forget to keep a valid driving license and a CNIC to prove their identity.
Traffic police personnel should be given access to see the online data of those who are licensed to drive while security officials should have access to see online data of NADRA to see anyone’s identity and whether he/she possesses a valid CNIC or not, in order to avoid inconveniencing citizens. If anyone forgets to keep a valid driving license but possess the same they should not be registered for challan after verifying the status of the driving license online.