Unstable politics in Pakistan

As we celebrate March 23, it is time to ponder and reflect. What happened on 18 March, when about three scores of hooligans led by two parliamentarians, attacked Sindh House in Islamabad, was waiting to happen, given the narcissism and blindness of those at the helm. A country created through a political struggle, had its political process strangulated, instead of evolving a democratic system suitable for a sovereign independent country to function and deliver to citizens the fruits of a modern democratic welfare state that Quaid had envisioned.

Any system of governance, be it a free-market democracy or socialism must cater to the welfare of the most deprived sections of society, otherwise, it cannot function and be acceptable to citizens of that country. When the Rule of Law is replaced by abuse of power, then chaos and anarchy daunt such a state. Whatever the system of governance, it is the moral and constitutional responsibility of the State to provide subsidized education, health, public transportation, clean drinking water, security of life etc. Unfortunately, what we have in Pakistan is neither democracy in its true essence, nor socialism, but a system that is a remnant of the British Raj.

Political intrigues and gerrymandering by men, neither trained nor capable to understand the dynamics of political science, have brought disorder and eroded ethics so vital for any political system to function and deliver.



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