Oral cancer

In Pakistan, oral cancer is the second most prevalent and is common among both males and females. It usually appears as a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away. It includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, and pharynx (throat) and can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated timely.

Research has revealed that men especially those over the age of fifty are at a higher risk compared to women. Some of the main causes that lead to oral cancer are smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, and poor dental hygiene practices. Also, the consumption of paan, chhalia, and gutka is commonplace in Pakistan, which has contributed to the high rates of mouth cancer. Symptoms of oral cancer include swellings, lumps or bumps, unexplained bleeding, difficulty chewing, ear pain, weight loss, etc. If people feel any changes or unusual symptoms, they must consult a doctor immediately.

Considering that April is oral cancer awareness month, the relevant authorities should raise awareness about the early detection and prevention of such cancers. This is an effective way to ensure that people begin taking safety measures early on and avoid the costs and risks of a lengthy medical procedure. Also, people should be informed and encouraged to undertake regular self-exams of the mouth and check for symptoms that persist. Early prevention will also help lift pressure off the medical department that is already strained.



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