How democracies die

The book titled “How Democracies Die” has brought to light four indicators that lead to a law and order situation in a country where political leaders become authoritarian. The first is a fragile commitment to democratic rules. The second is a denial of the opposition’s legitimacy. The third factor is an encouragement of violence and lastly, a curtailing of liberties of opponents. This is what is happening in Pakistan after the success of the vote of no-confidence. As a popular leader loses his top slot, he begins to incite people against the opposition and teaches the masses that he has a magic wand that can alter their destiny.

To deny the legitimacy of political regimes is a common phenomenon in Pakistan. Almost all general elections are alleged for foul play, rigging and openly it has been proclaimed that transparency in elections doesn’t exist at all. If political set-up was established under a transparent atmosphere, the chances of their early removal lessened to a great extent. However, this is still a far cry in Pakistan.  These practices are the major hurdles to good governance in Pakistan.

Good governance and designing policies are the first and foremost duties of any government for the welfare and well-being of its citizens and for the country in the form of long and short term plans. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, good governance has been a great challenge for the executive since its inception. Even after the rehabilitation of democracy in Pakistan, the crisis of good governance still prevailed, with no clear ideas and way forward to rectify for future, social and human development of Pakistan.



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