Decline of civil discourse

Crude and vulgar terms enter political vocabulary

Opposition parties in democratic countries contest elections against one another while patiently trying to win over the electorate through arguments. Despite their differences which sometime are deep-rooted, the parties continue to maintain working relations with one another. Political differences do not lead to personal enmities. On account of a healthy cynicism which is a part of democratic culture political stands are considered tentative positions which are negotiable rather than sacrosanct like religious beliefs. Political opponents are treated as competitors rather than enemies. Attempts are made to reduce differences by finding a middle ground through debate and discussion. Bargaining is a common tool to reduce distances between extreme positions.

Due to several lengthy interruptions in the system, the growth of political culture remained stunted in the country. There were however sporadic attempts by political parties to take stock of their blunders and try to preserve and improve upon democratic traditions. The 1973 Constitution, the Charter of Democracy and the 18th Amendment were some of the significant moves made in this direction.

The assumption of power by PTI chief Imran Khan through questionable means, with claims of being on the same page with the establishment, his mixing up of religion with politics and claims of waging a jihad against political opponents who were branded thieves, dacoits and traitors turned out to be a major setback for whatever little advance had taken place in the promotion of political culture. Imran Khan incited his followers to go after his opponents wherever they were, whether inside or outside the country, and teach them a lesson. PTI spokesmen have turned insults into political weapons, using crude and vulgar language against their opponents leading them to respond in a similar way. This has given birth to intolerance that can tear the social fabric apart. What happened at the Masjid-e-Nabawi in April should have been an eye-opener. That it didn’t is shown by the tit-for-tat protests in London and the way a PML(N) Minister was accosted at the Bhera interchange by PTI supporters. Unless people learn to respect one another despite political differences society faces the danger of degenerating into the Hobbesian state of Nature where the hand of every man is against every man.

The Editorial Department of Pakistan Today can be contacted at: [email protected].

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