Pakistan seeks inspection schedule of Indian water projects

LAHORE: Pakistan has demanded inspection schedule of contentious river water projects from India, sources said on Thursday.

Pakistan’s Indus Water Commissioner in a telephonic conversation with his Indian counterpart AK Pal has demanded inspection schedule of the disputed Indian water projects.

According to sources, Indus water commissioner has demanded inspection of under construction Kiru and Ratle Hydroelectric Power projects. Pakistan had earlier expressed reservations over the designs of Kiru and Ratle power projects on Chenab.

Pakistan’s water official has also demanded inspection of the dams being built over the eastern rivers – Sutlej, Beas and Ravi, sources said.

The water commissioner has urged for a schedule of inspection of Bhakra Dam on Sutlej and Pong Dam on Beas. Pakistani water officials also want to visit Theen Dam and Ferozpur Headworks on Ravi River, according to sources.

Under the Indus water treaty of 1960, waters of three eastern rivers – Sutlej, Beas and Ravi – are allocated to India for unrestricted use while the waters of three western rivers – Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab – go to Pakistan.

New Delhi has the right to generate hydroelectricity through the run of the river projects on the three western rivers, subject to specific criteria for design.

Pakistan can under the treaty raise objections over the design of Indian hydroelectric projects on western rivers.



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