Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah in his meeting with a delegation of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal led by its Managing Director Aamir Fida Paracha said that the ongoing heavy downpour has affected various districts located on the right bank of River Indus.
“Pakistan Bait-u-Mal should come over to support the affected families we have shifted in camps,” he said and added most of the people have lost their houses, particularly kachha ones in the heavy rains.
Mr Shah said that he has shifted the affected families to tent cities set up in safe areas of Shahdadkot-Kambar, Dadu and Jamshoro.
“We have provided them ration for 15 days along with other facilities,” he said and added he wanted Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal to support them.
MD Bait-ul-Mal Amir Parach told the chief minister that they have five shelter homes in Karachi. He said that the patients coming from other areas of the province and country for dialysis, treatment of cancer or kidneys to Karachi were being provided residence and food.
Minister Social Welfare said that the Social Welfare department has deputed an officer in JPMC for helping poor patients for costly treatment. The chief minister urged the minister social welfare to coordinate with Zakat dept and Bait-ul-Mal for assistance of patients.
He said that there might be duplication in the assistance of the patients.
“If this duplication is removed, we would be able to support more patients,” Mr Shah added.