Wildlife rescuer finds highly venomous Fat-tailed scorpion from Cholistan desert

PESHAWAR: Abdul Rehman, an amazing nature survivalist and wildlife rescuer, has claimed to have found the first time a highly venomous Fat-tailed scorpion from Cholistan desert.

“Highly venomous (Androctonus Robustus) also known as “Man killer” scorpion is first time discovered from Cholistan Desert of Pakistan,” claimed Abdul Rahman who also operates an educational YouTube channel `Wild Rush’ to create awareness about conservation of indigenous wild species.

Talking to APP from Bhawalpur, Abdul Rahman said he spent two weeks in Cholistan desert to find this nocturnal specie which belongs to Buthidae family and has been recently found for the first time in Baluchistan at District Pishin in 2020.

“Fattail scorpion or fat-tailed scorpion is the common name given to scorpions of the genus Androctonus, which is one of the most dangerous groups of scorpions species in the world” reads Wikipedia encyclopedia.

Their common name (Fattail) was derived from their distinctly fat metasoma, or tail, while the Latin name (Androctonus Robustus) originates from Greek and means “man killer”, encyclopedia added.

They are found throughout the semi-arid and arid regions of the Middle East, Africa and Himalayan regions.

The venom of Fat tail scorpion contains powerful neurotoxins and is especially potent.

“The scorpion has been preserved in an alcohol jar and can be provided to any authorized department or researcher for doing some research work on creation of its anti-venom,” Rehman shared.

He said discovery of fattail scorpion in Cholistan means that stings from Androctonus species (Man killer) might be causing human deaths in different parts of the country each year and its anti-venom needs to be prepared or arranged at the earliest.

Hailing from Bhawalpure District of Punjab, Abdul Rehman owns a tea stall at a rural settlement in his hometown, but passionate love for nature and wildlife made him as an amazing nature survivalist and wildlife rescuer who along with his team members have saved around 10,000 venomous species including snakes and scorpion in Cholistan desert during the last one decade.

He has also set up a group of wildlife rescuers who respond to the call of finding of any scorpion or snake in area within Cholistan desert and in its vicinity and rush to the site for saving of the reptile.

“Fattail scorpion is found in different parts of Pakistan, but its finding and research can help in developing its anti-venom,” observed Sahibzada Muhammad Jawad, a scorpion researcher doing Phd from USA.

Jawad has collected and preserved around 700 kinds of arachnids at a refrigerator in his home for study purpose and has called for establishment of a modern lab for extracting highly precious venom for treatment of fatal diseases besides earning foreign exchange through international trade.

He also requested Abdul Rahman for preserving of the fat tailed scorpion for research purpose.

Jawad said Pakistan has rich diversity of scorpion which needs to be tapped for extracting venom and has a lot of demand in international market.

In Pakistan, he continued, there is no modern laboratory for extraction, preservation and research of scorpion venom.

If government establishes a lab, it will help in carrying out research on rich biodiversity of arthropods in the country besides other benefits we can get from it.

Scorpion venom is used for treatment of fatal disease including cancer and for rheumatoid arthritis because of which it has great demand in international market.

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