Dissent & Dialogue

Progress & Prosperity

Modern Civilization is the outcome of Dissent and Positive Non-Conformism. The success story of democracy, philosophy, science, and independence movements evolved from the dissent of people in their particular context. Human society gets to benefits from the rebellious tendencies of one person against oppressive structures. The legitimate use of non-conformism is rational for the collective benefits of society. The basic difference between humans and animals in the history of evolution discerned the major point that humans struggle for recognition and identity while animals only struggle for survival and basic needs. Contradictions are the driver of history and the Clash of ideas at one time causes prosperity and aggrandizement for collective human society in the future. In the 21st Century, the fading dissent and struggle for homogenization caused the exhaustive order of society in which Populism and Autocratic Political systems are in the construction phase. Dissent and voicing for due rights stand supreme in the development of any state, nation, and political system. Throughout history, constructive actions of dissent have brought innovation and progress while fighting against oppression and injustice.

Societies progress with different ideas that are consensus-oriented for the mutual benefit of the General community. In historical societies were organized monarchies in which Kings exploit their subjects. The spread of democracy and constitutional politics in the dark ages against the monarchy was the success story of dissent. The constructive dissent of the 17th Century brought the democratic ideals of human rights and a participatory voting system to the political system of the world. J.J Rousseau and Alexis de Tocqueville revolted against the monarchy and showed non-conformity against the standards of the time. A better system of governance came into existence because of dissent. Dissent paved the way for representative ideals in the world.

The fruits of sciences are many in the modern world. The idea of scientific discovery was the outcome of non-conformism. The Biblical interpretations hold that Earth is the center and the whole universe revolves around it. The idea of Geo-Centrism was disqualified after the revolt of Galileo who figured out the mathematical calculations about Geo-Centrism. The invention of the telescope which was also the outcome of dissent against the popular beliefs of the Church proved that Earth revolves around the Sun. This was a revolutionary scientific invention that helped humanity to understand the new planets. The dissent of Galileo and some other scientists against the order of the time facilitated the entire human civilization.

Although any act of dissent is generally considered deviant and destructive, constructive dissent brings new ideas and discards obsolete social structures. In the contemporary society of Pakistan, dissent is mandatory as it was mandatory before the creation of Pakistan. For the last 75 years, the idea of homogenization and systematic silencing the dissent and non-conformism caused stagnation of ideas in society. The booming progress of any nation is linked to appreciating the contradictory ideas with the legitimate processes. The independence movement of Pakistan was also the outcome of the dissent of Allama Iqbal and Quaid e Azam against the British Colonial System. This positive non-conformism implemented the seeds of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In present days dissent is associated with disloyalty and harm to the collective interest of society. This attitude annihilated the major social changes in a positive direction. Society is stuck in the economic and political malaise. The birth of new ideas and controversial aspects are never unraveled with the culture of debate, dialogue, and discussion. The new ideas always come with controversy. The legitimate controversy in the fields of economics, politics, and science should be mainstream for the general affluence of society.

The state becomes anarchic in the Political realm if no checks are put on its authority. The illegitimate monopoly of States is curtailed through constructive dissent. As societies are opening up day by day due to the improved technology and economic progress State led surveillance is exacerbated. Individual rights are deteriorating due to the rising digital and physical surveillance of states. The dissent and positive criticism become part and parcel in such settings otherwise the State becomes uncontrollable Leviathan. The dissent manifested through different mechanisms like Writings and Mass Media. The mass media is the fourth pillar of the state which manifests the dissent against tyrannical social oppression and authoritarian political systems to hold checks and balances on both governments and societies.

To advance our Democracy, Science, and Soft image of Pakistan in the world it is mandatory to bring social and political changes for progress. Dissent and non-conformism bring new problems and ideas into the perspectives which provide the path for glory and struggle.

In some social settings, the social norms and societal codes become discriminatory. The gender biases and subjugation of women in society are orchestrated through the approval of social structures. For example, the domestication of women and low wages are discriminatory attitudes of society against gender. In this scenario, dissent and rebelliousness against the obsolete social norms become mandatory to establish new social order. It is the moral and social duty of informed and conscientious individuals to strive against the oppressive status quo to steer positive social change by bringing new ideas into society for innovation and progress.

The society in which dissent is not celebrated systematically backslides into erosion. The contemporary issues in Pakistan are the long process of disrespecting novelty and creativity in form of dissent. In the last 75 years without major scientific and intellectual advancement, we have witnessed the declining order of Political and Social struggle. The persistent deficit in different institutions is the consequence of not integrating imagination and critical thinking. Despite odds, conscience-stricken citizens should never hesitate to dissent for the larger interest of society. Fading dissent caused a crisis of solutions for the state.

To advance our Democracy, Science, and Soft image of Pakistan in the world it is mandatory to bring social and political changes for progress. Dissent and non-conformism bring new problems and ideas into the perspectives which provide the path for glory and struggle. It needs an hour to consider dissent as the building block of social change. It is dissent that acts as a social facilitator to societies for higher achievements.

Muhammad Wajahat Sultan
Muhammad Wajahat Sultan
The writer is a transportation engineer with postgraduations in English literature and political science

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