The price of arrogance

Imran Khan and the court

Imran Khan’s arrogance has played a major role in mishaps that have befallen him. The break up with the establishment came after the former PM withheld the transfer of ISI chief. The no-confidence motion that led to his government’s fall was the outcome of his refusal for nearly four years to have working relations with the opposition. After losing power IK used public meetings to accuse the army leadership for becoming neutral. His youthful followers went steps ahead with his chief of staff inciting those in uniform to disobey orders from their superiors. IK now faces trial on charges of criminal contempt because the hubris-ridden leader was unwilling to apologise unconditionally for his remarks threatening a woman judge. Reluctant to concede that he can ever be wrong, IK accuses opposition parties of trying to create a rift between the PTI on the one hand and the army and judiciary on the other.

Despite his arrogance IK is the chairman of PTI which rules Punjab, KP, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan. Only two months back, the party clinched victory in 15 constituencies in Punjab while PML-N managed to win only four. Imran Khan also enjoys popularity among Pakistani expatriate community abroad as borne out by a prompt response to his two telethons. Imran Khan demands a system of justice where the weak and powerful are treated equally. On Sunday, Khan refused for a third time to appear before the joint investigation team probing a terrorism charge against him, indicating that he expected a treatment different from the one meted out to the hoi polloi. One still expects the PTI leader to accept whatever judgment is passed by the court, utilising the legal course of appeal in case of an unfavourable judgment without politicizing the issue. Several politicians have been debarred in the past from holding public office as punishment in contempt cases and have borne the punishment patiently.

In Greek tragedies arrogance invariably leads to nemesis, the retribution or punishment for wrongdoing. This should however provide no occasion for jubilation for PTI’s opponents. It should instead act as a chastening experience leading to the realisation of dangers posed to society by arrogance on the part of political leaders.

The Editorial Department of Pakistan Today can be contacted at: [email protected].

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