PTI MNAs’ resignations

Resigning is a serious matter, not a political tool

The resignations of 10 PTI MNAs have been accepted, out of the 123 submitted at the time the PTI was defeated in the no-confidence motion. The MNAs have moved a petition against this acceptance, which might seem strange, because the PTI has been arguing that all of their resignations should be accepted. Those PTI MNAs whose resignations were accepted seem to have let the cat out of the bag by their ingenuous statement that the resignations were meant to force the dissolution of the National Assembly, and now that that did not seem to be happening, they wanted their resignations not accepted.

IHC Chief Justice, Mr Justice Athar Minallah, rightly observed that the court would not interfere unnecessarily in the workings of the National Assembly. This is a correct view of the trifurcation of powers provided in the Constitution; that the judiciary is not supposed to step into the domain of the legislature so long as the Constitution is being followed. After all, the PTI members should have gone before the Speaker when summoned, and asked him to disregard their resignations. This option is open to hem now, but the PTI seems to hope that the judiciary will pull its chestnuts out of the fire for it.

The PTI is now coming to the moment of truth, when it will have to admit that getting its members to resign was wrong, indeed silly. It was wrong in principle, as the PTI seems to have forgotten that MNAs do not just represent parties, but also constituencies. PTI men are drawing salaries, and using all facilities as their resignations have not been accepted, but they do not attend the House, as they have tendered their resignations. And their constituencies go voiceless in the House. The PTI leadership may not realise that it has a responsibility to the country or the voter, but the MNAs should. Resignations should be for a reason, not used as a political tool.

The Editorial Department of Pakistan Today can be contacted at: [email protected].

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