The other day, I went to the Model Town Park in Lahore for a morning walk. This huge park is green and beautiful that emanates refreshing vibes and makes me feel fresh and energised. However, I observed something there that disturbed me a lot. Some visitors were throwing water bottles and wrappers wherever they wanted. I was disappointed to see their attitude. People have become so lazy and arrogant that they do not even put any effort to use the trash bins installed in the park.
This country, this city and these parks are ours, and they represent us to the people living outside. If tourists from other countries visit our parks, they take with them memories of littering and ignorance.
The problem persists at our historical places, too, which not only ruins the scenic view, but also our image as a community. Keeping our parks and our city clean should be our first priority. People need to throw the trash in the bins, not around them. This is the first step towards a successful and productive future for the country and this will deliver a positive image to the others.