KP proposes 26km road to link Bannu City with Indus Highway

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has proposed the construction of a 26km road to link Bannu City with Indus Highway at an estimated cost of Rs9.95 billion.

Sources in the Provincial Communication and Works (C&W) Department informed that the project has been proposed keeping in view the need for an effective road link between Indus Highway and the Bannu City. The officials stated that the government is yet to carry out feasibility study of the road project, after which design of this road would be prepared to pave the way for its construction.

According to the sources, initially the project was estimated to cost just Rs7.68 billion but after the PC-1 was prepared, the estimated cost increased to Rs9.95 billion. The officials said that the cost may further increase as the project is still in early stages. The proposed project has been sent to the Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) for approval.

Aziz Buneri
Aziz Buneri
Author is a senior journalist and working in the field of journalism since 2004. He covers Financial, Social, Political and regional issues for Pakistan today and Profit. He can reached at [email protected]

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