10 DISCOs seeks recovery of Rs42.6b from consumers under QTA

ISLAMABAD: All Power Distribution Companies (DISCOs), except K-Electric, have asked the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) to grant approval for recovery of Rs42.6 billion from their respective electricity consumers under Quarterly Tariff Adjustment (QTA) mechanism.

According to details, DISCOs other than K-Electric have sought NEPRA’s approval regarding recovery of Rs42.6 billion from their consumers under QTA mechanism for first quarter (July-September) CFY 2022-23.

DISCOs have sought power price hike on account of capacity charges, variable O&M, Use of System Charge (UoSC) and Market Operator Fee (MOF), impact of T&D losses on monthly FCA and additional recovery on incremental sales. And, NEPRA has called a hearing on the request of DISCOs on November 15.

According to NEPRA, ten DISCOs including FESCO, GEPCO, HESCO, IESCO, LESCO, MEPCO, PESCO, QESCO, SEPCO and TESCO have sought a total adjustment of Rs42.634 billion. Out of the total adjustment, DISCOs have sought adjustment of Rs31 billion under the head capacity charges, Rs2.169 billion worth adjustment under variable O&M, Rs6.341 billion adjustment on account of Use of System Charges (UoSC) and Market Operator Fee (MOF), Rs 7.408 billion as Impact of T&D (Transmission and Dispatch) losses on monthly Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA) and additional recovery on incremental sale of Rs4.248 billion.

According to DISCOs application, FESCO has sought Rs6.377 billion, GEPCO Rs5.337 billion, HESCO Rs450 million, IESCO Rs2.704 billion, LESCO Rs9.101 billion, MEPCO Rs10.688 billion, PESCO Rs2.129 billion, QESCO Rs3.663 billion, SEPCO Rs905 million, and TESCO sought Rs1.282 billion respectively.

Sources in the power sector said that if NEPRA allows recovery of Rs 42.6 billion from the consumers of ten DISCOs then the power tariff of these DISCOs will go up by approximately Rs 2.10 per unit for first quarter (July-September) CFY 2022-23.

NEPRA, in a public notice, has invited all the interested/affected parties to submit written/oral comments or objections as permissible under the law at the hearing.


Ahmad Ahmadani
Ahmad Ahmadani
The author is an investigative journalist. He can be reached at [email protected].

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