North Korea’s human rights power beyond Kim Jong-un’s nuke program

By Kim Joo-IL

North Korea’s reckless provocations with short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, and
Kim Jong-un’s declaration on legislating nuclear strike that has made all possibilities of nuclear renunciation and denuclearization hopeless, is the current situation in the Korean Peninsula. As the international society expresses serious concerns, there is an increasingly loud call for redeploying American tactical nuclear arsenal or moving strategic military assets of the US to the region surrounding South Korea, claiming that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

As much as the argument seems logical and reasonable at first glance, it can be said that
from South Korea’s standpoint, where denuclearization is pursued as primary goal of unification, it is out of tune. Then, what can be an effective way to suppress or make abandon North Korea’s nuclear and missile provocations?

First of all, establishing a preparedness strategy built on a strengthened S.Korea-U.S.-Japan alliance is at the top of the list. Based on author’s experience who commanded North Korean artillery units after graduating from the military academy, such establishment is an instantaneous remedy for Kim Jong-un’s imprudent nuclear tests and his justifications trying to cement nuclear programs as self-defense.

Although, considering China’s role with North Korea based on the G2, some within
political circles are voicing an skeptical look toward the trilateral alliance. Nevertheless, one should not forget one truth that strong power based on military ties with allies is the backbone of South Korea’s diplomatic power. If North Korea’s nuclear program is the fate of Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship, the S.Korea-U.S.-Japan alliance is the that of South Korea.

Secondly, transactions between North Korea and overseas groups purchasing North Korea’s
missile and nuclear cutting-edge technologies must be sanctioned. North Korea, while avoiding international surveillance, has been secretly and persistently conducting arms trade with the Middle East and African countries through cryptocurrency and illegal cyber-financial activities.

In 1989, the UAE negotiated with North Korea to purchase $160 million worth of Mars-5
Missile and multiple rocket launchers. In 2007, Israel bombed the Al Kibar nuke reactor in Syria, which was proven as the facility that North Korea was building under secrecy.

North Korea’s illegal weapons sales are used as slush funds to develop nuclear and missile
programs and maintain dictatorship. The 240mm multiple rocket launcher(MRL) produced in North Korea is still one of the best-selling weapons export in Iran, Myanmar, Angola, and Libya.

Maximizing the UN and international societies’ effectiveness over economic sanctions on
North Korea by means of blocking Kim Jong un’s black money sources is one of the best ways to curb North Korea’s obsession over nuclear weapons and an immediate cure for changing the dictator’s calculations as well.

Last but not least, attempts to dismantle nuclear disaster in the Korean Peninsula by the
hands of the North Koreans should be employed. Looking backward on international efforts in responding to North Korea’s nuclear program in the past, there have been various trials, ranging from sticks to carrots with U.S.-Korea and North-South dialogues, but those efforts have only resulted in the sophistication of North Korea’s reckless behavior.

What does this mean? To answer this question, we must go over the denuclearization
strategies and policies in the Korean Peninsula. Moreover, instead of searching for entirely new and extraordinary ideas, we should head out to basic and universal principles.

In other words, the starting point for solving the conundrum should be where the people of
North Korea are acknowledged and enlightened with their basic fundamental human values, rights, and dignity. The people should be able to question their Dear Leader’s way of rule with such perceptions as ‘North Korea’s nuclear program is a calamity and a grave to all, not a symbol of autonomy.’

In order for North Koreans to be enlightened with such universal human values, inflow of
external news through various media sources such as balloon leaflet, anti-Pyongyang messages broadcast along the border, radio, newspapers and USB must be preceded.

Besides targeting people from specific social classes having access to TV, radios, and computers, the “Spring in Pyongyang” can only be expected when every North Korean residents are supported and encourages to overcome the brainwashing-educational barriers in North Korea.

Media and USB for people with radio and computers; balloon leaflet and newspaper for
those without; and loudspeaker broadcasts for residents and soldiers residing near the DMZ(De Militarized Zone) will be effective.

All possible means to awaken the consciousness of the North Korean minds must be put
into use. Through such enlightenment, if an increased number of people with a new world view and inter-Korean perspectives can elicit the dismantlement of North Korea’s nuclear weapon program, a genuine change can be achieved.

No matter how strong nuclear power may be, it can never transcend the human rights of
the North Korean. And one must never forget that it is the people, who are the strongest brakes to curb Kim Jong-un’s nuclear-galloping instincts. The power of an enlightened crowd is colossal.

The author is a North Korean refugee and secretary general of International North Korea’s Association for Human Rights and Democracy (INKAHRD)

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