FY 2021-22: Audit reveals huge irregularities in CMCH

LARKANA: The annual audit and inspection report of the Chandka Medical College Hospital (CMCH) Larkana for the FY 2021-22 revealed 58 irregularities worth millions of rupees, PPI learnt here on Tuesday.

The Deputy Director of the Auditor General of Pakistan Department in its letter revealed apart from other irregularities that the record of diet expenditure of Rs22.838 million was not provided for audit scrutiny, hence chances of misappropriation could not be ruled out.

In another objection, the authority further alleged that during scrutiny of accounts record of CMCH office, it was observed that salaries of Rs58.660 million were paid to absconders, but they were not mentioned in the working strength list/without working in the hospital, hence investigation is recommended with recovery from the employees.

It further revealed that salaries of Rs87.84 million were paid to 46 doctors who were absent from duty for a long time but no action was taken against them despite communicating to the health secretary. The audit further disclosed that during a visit to the Emergency Department, two to three doctors were performing duties to treat hundreds of patients at a time, and no female doctors/house officer was found, while electricity was shut.

The report further added that an estimated rent of Rs30 million was outstanding and not recovered from unauthorized occupants of shops and canteen within hospital premises because shops were given without proper contract agreement and bidding since 2000.
It further revealed that quarters were allotted to various employees and others however electricity charges of estimated amount Rs229.20m were neither deducted from their salaries nor effective system prevails for timely installation of separate electricity meters and dues. There are a total number of 191 bungalows and quarters.

Another objection includes that it was observed that various contracts of Rs526.756m were awarded to suppliers but performance guarantee @ 5% of contract amount of Rs26.33m was not obtained. Another objection claimed that GST of Rs9.843m was not deducted. Codal formalities were not completed during purchase of equipment of Rs526.607m. Advance payment was made for purchase of machinery and equipment of Rs521m but the supplies were not made by the supplier which showed weak financial management.

In para No. 18, it has been mentioned that an expenditure of Rs6.201m was incurred on account of purchase of medicines in excess as there was no need to purchase a huge number of medicines resulting in blockage of government funds. In para 22, the audit team observed that an expenditure of Rs8.705m was incurred on account of purchase of bulk medicines by own tender through LP instead of following CRC guidelines. Purchases of medicines worth Rs15.319m were made without government logo hence chances of sale to private people/parties could not be ruled out.

The audit team further observed that 108 posts of various core diseases specialists from BPS-16 to 18 were lying vacant and were not appointed. The audit team also found out that Rs4.822m were paid to the contractor against various extra items of work for an undue favour.

Audit detected an irregularity of inadmissible allowance payment of Rs 394.302m was paid
to various officers/officials for which they were not entitled which may be recovered. Improper cash book was maintained and 57 Muslim sanitary workers were also detected who cost Rs36.578m and eight BPS-19 doctors were found working without sanctioned strength alongwith one assistant of BPS-16.

The audit recommended in its para No. 43 that fixing of responsibility on person(s) at fault be made besides taking measures for timely testing of drugs which were unauthorisedly purchased without drug test lab report costing Rs220.341million.

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