UNGA adopts Pakistan-piloted resolution to bolster UN’s relief system

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted a resolution, submitted by Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, to bolster the UN’s hard-pressed humanitarian system struggling to help people hit by increasing natural disasters and other crises around the world.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, Ambassador Aamir Khan introduced the draft. Speaking on the occasion, he stressed the importance of assisting countries and people affected by natural disasters.

According to a Radio Pakistan’s report, the 193-member Assembly recognized the relationship between emergency response, rehabilitation, and development, as well as the need to ensure a smooth transition between the three stages.

Pakistan is the current chairman of G77 and China, which now has 134 members and is the United Nations’ biggest intergovernmental group of emerging countries.

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