India’s Tendency to Betray Afghans

It’s time the Afghans learnt

“For us (officials of the previous regime), we don’t have any complaints against other countries, as we had no expectations, but we have a complaint with our friends. After August 15 (2021), even those who were friends of India, and those who had diplomatic passports and visas, [were turned away], and India revoked visas,” these were the words of former Afghan spymaster Rahmatullah Nabil during the Herat Security Dialogue in Tajikistan on 29 November.

This was not the first time India deceived Afghans when they were looking toward India for help. This happens every time Indian statecraft follows Chanakya’s Arthashastra, which advocates ‘Radical Machiavellianism’. Thereby, Indian policymakers and strategic thinkers never hesitate to dispose of people after using them for their interests.

History, however, is thus full of incidents where India betrayed the Afghans. In 1973, when Zahir Shah was forced out through a coup by his cousin, Daud Khan, the letter started chanting the slogans of Pushtoonistan and acting anti-Pakistan. India welcomed Daud and hailed him as a “fine” leader who would enhance the “sovereignty and “independence” of the Afghan people because of his anti-Pakistan rhetoric.

Daud suggested that New Delhi engage Pakistan militarily in the east while Afghanistan fought in the west and that they could “sandwich” Pakistan by working together. Therefore, Afghan forces had begun building a colossal military force along the Pakistan border by November 1974, with the promise of additional Soviet military assistance. Among the equipment that Kabul had acquired were; 1170 tanks (including the T-62, T-54, and T-55 tanks, as well as bridge-laying tanks), over 6000 pieces of artillery, including 500 missiles SAM-7 and SAM-2, transport vehicles, infantry equipment, radar systems, Mig-21s and Mig-27s, as well as combat helicopters.

Indira Gandhi visited Kabul in 1976 to strengthen ties and offer more economic assistance. Nonetheless, their plans were foiled by the bloody coup d’etat, which took place in 1978 and was led by militants of the Afghan Communist Party (PDPA) in collaboration with the KGB. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan within a year. India was the only major non-communist country not to condemn this invasion of a sovereign country.

Now, it is the right time for the Afghans to recognize their real enemy and ally with true sympathizers who have stood with their Afghan brethren in every uphill situation. On the contrary, a peaceful Afghanistan is not favourable for India, but a war-torn Afghanistan is, as Indian strategic thinkers are prone to exploit the conflicts and wars.

Later on, during the Afghan war, the Indian security establishment openly supported Dr Najibullah, a KGB operative working under the code name of POCOMO. Nevertheless, in the early 1990s, Comrade Najib sought help from the New Delhi government. At that time, despite UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s request during an unscheduled visit to India, the then government of Prime Minister Narasimha Rao did not exfiltrate Najibullah from Kabul.

Moreover, during the US invasion of Afghanistan, India collaborated with Amrullah Saleh and Rahmatullah Nabil to launch cross-border terrorism from eastern Afghanistan into the FATA region. And, when these erstwhile Afghan officials were seeking Indian assistance to hightail from Afghanistan, India refused to give visas.

Additionally, in 2021, the Anti-Corruption Commission surfaced fake education degrees to 3,000 Afghan students by a private Indian educational institute, the Indian Institute of Business Management and Administration (IIBMA). And, about 2,500 Afghan students who are yearning to return to India to finish their higher education are barred from so out of the 14,000 who are now enrolled in 73 Indian universities.

Notably, India was one of the nations most willing to close its missions in Afghanistan, discontinue flights between New Delhi and Kabul, and stop bank transfers to the Afghan government after the regime changeover.

Presently, the strategic thinking in the ranks and file of Modi-led India obeys ‘Realism’ religiously. For instance, the Indian Minister of External Affairs, Dr S Jaishankar, penned his book, The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World in 2020. In this book, he says there are no permanent friends and foes in international relations but ‘frenemies’. Further, for Jay Shankar, it is necessary to exploit the conflicts. This is to say that the war serves the Indians, not the peace.

Keeping the above book in view, one could easily gauge that India has manipulated the perpetual wars of Afghanistan for its interests. For India, the war in Afghanistan was a cash cow. India mothered BLA and TTP in the last two decades using Afghan soil.

Ironically, it is also noteworthy that, on the one hand, Indian intellectuals and historians link India to Afghans, whereas on the other hand, they portray Afghan leaders negatively. Panipat: The Great Betrayal, which has been playing in Indian theatres since December 2019, is the most recent Bollywood film to include Afghans as arch-villains.

In this film, Ahmad Shah Durrani, often referred to as the father of the current Afghan state, is portrayed. Ahmad Shah’s representation in the movie is such a flimsy travesty that it has no basis in historical fact. This Ahmad Shah behaves like an ill-tempered gorilla, a terrifying foe, or a monster of cunning throughout the movie.

Now, it is the right time for the Afghans to recognize their real enemy and ally with true sympathizers who have stood with their Afghan brethren in every uphill situation. On the contrary, a peaceful Afghanistan is not favourable for India, but a war-torn Afghanistan is, as Indian strategic thinkers are prone to exploit the conflicts and wars.

Deedar Karim
Deedar Karim
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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