ISLAMABAD: The Second Winter Sports Tourism Conference concluded here as the stakeholders including Federal, Provincial, Regional Governments and actors from sports tourism industry attended this Conference online and with physical presence as well.
The purpose of this Conference was to highlight the importance of winter sports tourism among the masses and to allure service providers to improve the service quality for such tourists. Mr. Abu Zafar Sadiq, President Alpine Club of Pakistan introduced the concept of sports tourism.
He after taken into account brief historical development reflecting the introduction of National Snow Hikes a decade ago by Alpine Club of Pakistan appreciated the role of Winter Sports Federation. He stressed the need to build synergies among the stakeholders and strategies for long term sustainability and attract for foreign tourists in winter.
The representatives of PTDC Mr. Mukhtar Rana, PSB Mr. Shahid Islam and Aqib Awan AJK Sports Departments highlighted their role for promotion and development of winter sports tourism in the country. Dr. Prof. Salahuddin from MY University stressing the need of engaging youth in healthy activities like Winter Sports Tourism argued that it is the only source to channelise the potentioal of youth towards healthy society and keep them away from drugs, intolerance, gadgets etc. AVM R Ijaz Malik stressed the need to be more systematic and quality conscious while developing winter tourism products.
He also invited attention of the participants towards environment care of the winter tourism areas. The national and international athletes from Alpine Club of Pakistan, winter Sports Federation, Bikers Association also expressed their concern about lack of support for their development by the Government departments. These included M. Javed Ali, Kasrat Rai, International Walker/Hiker, Saqib Rehman, Naila Kiyani, Fazal Wadood, Mian Salim Shah, Nabila etc.
E-Expo was also held at the end wherein pictures, clips, V-logs, documentaries and advertisement from tourism industry were screened which were very much appreciated by the participants.
Mr. Almaas Ayoub Chairman, Private Schools Association while concluding the discussion advised the participants do not expect from the Government rather try to play their role whatsoever in the capacity they are working in. He assured that all such endevours for engagement of students and youth would be encouraged.
The event was organized by Institute of Professional Skills Development, Private Schools Association Islamabad and Islamabad Alpine Association. The recommendations would be shared with the stakeholders and followed up for implementation as well.