CAA staffer returns bag containing valuables to owner

PESHAWAR: An employee of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on Tuesday returned a lost bag containing valuable items and foreign currency to the airport administration.

As per details, CAA employee Ijlal Maseeh found two gold rings and a purse near the custom counter early morning after flight landings from Bahrain and Abu Dhabi at Bacha Khan Airport Peshawar.

Later, Ijlal handed over the purse to the supervisor Amin. He then gave it to the airport administration. Upon opening the purse, there were 8050 Saudi Riyals, which is equal to almost Rs 5.88 lac.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) appreciated the act of honesty of the employee and the valuable items were returned to their owner.

Earlier, in an instance of exemplary honesty, a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) official returned to a woman her lost bag on Saturday which carried jewelry and other valuables worth hundreds of thousands of rupees.

The woman had flown in today from Dubai to Lahore at Allama Iqbal Airport, from a private flight PA-417 but unfortunately lost her bag in while she disembarked.

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